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Week 6 Discussion question 1

Week 6 Discussion question 1

Q Please refer to Chapter 6's Closing Case 1 (Big Data, Big Business, Big Opportunities, pg. 261) and answer any ONE of the questions below in your initial thread before Wednesday. Then, before the end of Sunday, make the remaining THREE response posts (interact with at least TWO different classmates by either asking probing question(s), agreeing with their answers, or offering alternative points of view). Either way, your replies must be substantive and through-provoking to earn full credit for your participation. Questions: 1. List the reasons a business would want to display information in a graphical or visual format. 2. Explain how issues with low-quality data will impact big data. 3. Explain how a marketing department could use data visualization tools to help with the release of a new product. 4. Categorize the five common characteristics of high-quality data and rank them in order of importance for big data. 5. Develop a list of some possible entities and attributes located in a marketing database. 6. Assess how a business could use a few of the data analysis techniques to understand how the business is operating.

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This week’s discussion is on Chapter 6’s Closing case 1. The topic is on Big data, Big Business and Big Opportunities. Big data analytics is the key activity in a thriving industry. It can also predict customer expectations and aid the product design. They can also analyze the popular taste and references which can also enhance the service facilities by studying the shopping patterns. So data are the most important thing in Big data or the analysis that is done. The first is poor decision-making.